In the process of Regeneration of Devnadi and its Diversion Based Irrigation System, Yuva Mitra experienced tremendous impact in the lives of farmers. To disseminate these experiences among the farmers and other localites, a State Level Stakeholders workshop was organized by Yuva Mitra, in which 361 farmers from various places of the state has shown their presence. The representatives of the social organization from various places were also present in the workshop. Yuva Mitra published a book “Devnadi Khoryatil Shaswat Viaksachi Watchaal” containing details of the strategy, work plan and the mode of operation in the project “Regeneration of DBI and Devnadi”. The main purpose of publishing this book is to highlight the importance of the local river and its benefits to the villagers.

The guests of this program will be Mr. Rajabhau Waje, MLA, Sinnar; Ms. Shital Tai Sangle, President of Zilla Parishad Nashik; Dr. Sanjay Belsare, Co-secretary, Water Resources Department, Ministry, Mumbai; Mr. Rajesh More, Superintendent Engineer, Water Resources Department; Mr. Mukul Gupte, Tata Trusts; Mr. Sanjay Joshi, Nalanda Foundation; Ms. Sweety Thomas, HT Parekh Foundation; Mr. Ashok Kumar, Tata Trusts; Mr. Renie Thomas, The Nature Conservancy etc.
During decade 1870-1880, British Government built 20 Diversion Dams which provided water to 20 villages for irrigation and also 2675 acre of land underneath. But within the time that system got collapsed and damaged. Due to this, water level decreased and it created adverse impact on agriculture and existence of farmers.
If these water systems are revived then once again water can be available. For this purpose, Yuva Mitra with the support of Tata trusts with People’s participation started this work in 2008. During 2008-2018, 17 systems on Devnadi, 1 system on Shivnadi and 4 systems on Mhalungi nadi totaling to 22 systems were revived providing accessibility of water to farmers and for irrigating 5725.24 acres of land directly and indirectly. For repair and maintenance of revived systems, water distribution and efficient use of water 22 Water User Associations were formed. For rejuvenation of Devnadi, all these committes work together and formed Devnadi Jal Sansad.
There are 296 such DBI systems on various rivers in Nashik, Chandwad, Malegaon, Kalwan, Nandgaon, Yeola, Dindori, Dewla and Satana Blocks of Nashik District. Revival of these systems will directly irrigate 30923 acres of land. Yuva Mitra has organized State Level Stakeholder’s Workshop on 27th July 2018 at Yuva Mitra, Mitrangan Campus for creating environment to bring various stakeholders on a same platform and to plan way forward for scaling up of this work.