At Yuva Mitra, our commitment to rural development led us to recognize the crucial need for Institution Building & Sustainable Agriculture. We witnessed that a significant proportion of India’s population relies on agriculture as their primary source of livelihood, especially small and marginal farmers with limited land holdings. These farmers face substantial challenges in achieving economies of scale for both input procurement and product sales. Managing the output side of agriculture is particularly challenging as marketable surpluses increase.
Hence, we embarked on a journey to empower these communities through robust Institution Building, equipping individuals with the tools, knowledge, and skills needed for self-sustenance. We promote the establishment and strengthening of community-based organizations that facilitate participatory decision-making and shared ownership, making beneficiaries active participants in their development journey.
Our Sustainable Agriculture initiatives are aligned with Eco-friendly farming practices, aiming to enhance crop yields while preserving the environment’s delicate balance. Through capacity-building and innovative farming techniques, we empower farmers to improve productivity and sustainability.
By focusing on Institution Building & Sustainable Agriculture, we strive to create resilient, self-reliant rural communities that can navigate challenges and seize opportunities for long-term success. Explore our projects in this domain to see how we’re making a tangible difference in these vital sectors.


Empowering Farmers through Producer Organizations

Nadi Farmers Producer Company Ltd.
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Farmers Producer Company Ltd. Mhalungi Nadi
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Producer Company Ltd Mhalungi Nadi Farmers
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Project Impact

Empowering Farmers through Producer Organizations
Funded By: NABARD
Project Duration: 2020-2024
Location: Nashik District