Yuva Mitra has established itself as a leader in promoting and developing Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) across Maharashtra and beyond. Yuva Mitra’s journey in promoting FPOs began in 2011 with the formation of the Devanadi Valley Agriculture Producers Company, uniting 556 farmers across 11 villages. This milestone set the foundation for Yuva Mitra’s ongoing commitment to empowering small and marginal farmers through collective action and sustainable agriculture. Over the years, Yuva Mitra has achieved significant milestones.
With over 13 years of experience, Yuva Mitra has successfully registered 32 FPOs, including 9 under the Producer Organization Promoting Institution (POPI) scheme, 5 through the POPI-PODF ID initiative, 10 under the Central Sector Scheme for 10,000 FPOs (CBBO), and 6 private FPOs. Additionally, under the Lakhpati Kisan project, we have formed 2 FPOs in the Nandurbar district of Maharashtra, benefiting 450 shareholders. These initiatives have collectively empowered over 13,633 shareholders across 490+ villages, providing small and marginal farmers with access to vital resources, market linkages, and sustainable agricultural practices.
BRLF Assignment:
In partnership with the Bharat Rural Livelihoods Foundation (BRLF), we have been involved in promoting education, training, research, and capacity building for rural livelihoods, with a focus on tribal and marginalized communities. Yuva Mitra has given the hand holding Support to 7 BRLF partners in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Gujrat, Jharkhand, Odisha, Karnataka and West Bengal for FPO’s training of BoDs, CEOs and staff of promoting institutions to facilitate the business development process.
BIRD Certificate Course:
As an Anchor Agency appointed by the Bankers Institute of Rural Development (BIRD), Yuva Mitra conducts a specialized 3-month certificate course for CEOs of FPOs, equipping them with the necessary skills to manage and scale their organizations effectively.
Formation of FPO in Punjab:
Our work in Punjab, under the Integrated Livelihood Development Program in Kiratpur Sahib with NABARD’s Value Chain project, has improved agricultural productivity and income for approximately 1,034 families, including 512 from SC/ST communities.
NABARD Partnerships:
Yuva Mitra has been recognized by NABARD as a key partner in promoting FPOs. As a Producer Organization Promoting Institution (POPI), Yuva Mitra has been instrumental in identifying, mobilizing, and supporting farmer clusters to form FPOs, ensuring the become economically viable and sustainable.
Empanelment with SFAC:
Yuva Mitra has been empaneled as a Resource Organization by the Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium (SFAC), under the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India. This recognition highlights Yuva Mitra’s expertise in promoting FPOs across Maharashtra, fostering innovation, and creating sustainable agricultural ecosystems.
Producer Organization Promoting Institutes (POPIs):
Since 2016, Yuva Mitra has been designated by NABARD as a Producer Organization Promoting Institution (POPI) to promote FPOs. The role of POPIs is critical in creating a supportive environment for the formation and growth of FPOs by engaging with farmers at the grassroots level.
Impact: Today, Yuva Mitra has successfully registered around 14 FPOs in 4 blocks of Nashik district, providing ongoing support and guidance to these organizations. There are few best FPOs stands as a model of what can be achieved through collective action, with farmers now able to access larger markets and secure better prices for their produce.
Cluster-Based Business Organizations (CBBO):
Yuva Mitra’s role extends beyond POPIs to include the formation and nurturing of Cluster-Based Business Organizations (CBBOs). These organizations are designed to scale up the impact of 10 FPOs with reaching shareholders by 3618 by creating a network of interconnected FPOs that can collaborate, share resources, and create value chains that enhance the profitability and sustainability of farming as a livelihood.
Resource Support Agency (RSA):
Yuva Mitra’s expertise has been further recognized with its appointment as a Resource Support Agency (RSA) by NABARD. As an RSA, Yuva Mitra provides strategic support to other POPIs in Maharashtra, helping them to promote and develop FPOs more effectively.